Tournament Report
Nov 20, 2009 (Friday) AlphaStrike Hobby Shop. Cavite Philippines
9 man tournament. 6th 2-2
the deck
Round 1: JUND
Game 1
Open again a one land hand, mulligan to 6. I have 3 lands on hand but hesitant because no green source, and 1 burst, 1 bolt, and a harrow, but still decided to play with it, I am on the play this time.
He got me blightning 2x, then played a broodmate, I managed to dropped a Chandra nalaar, to kill his broodmate, but on his turn dropped a bloodbraid cascaded a bolt, targeting Chandra, then swinging for the win.
Game 2
Open again a one hand land, mull again to 6. It seem like my deck is afraid of JUND.
My 6 hand is much better than the previous mulligan I had. I took it. He managed to ruin blaster me for 2 turns, which got me manascrewed to reach a 5 land play. When I went 5 lands its too late for me.
His damage on this game came from his own fetches, what a game.
0 – 2, 0 – 1 (0 – 4 against JUND)
Round 2: GW
1st game
He dropped River Boa, and then next turn dropped a sledge equipping his Boa. I managed to slow down the boa, but its regenerate ability is too much to get the Boa destroyed. I even managed to hard cast a lavaball trap but a boa with a green source is really bad for the removals I have.
2nd game
I manage to control the board with the removals I have on my hand. No Boa here so lucky me. Got my valakut online then just killed him with valakut.
3rd game
He manage to dropped a 2/2 protection from black creature, with a sledge on it. Tried to kill by lavaball trap it but he had dauntless to make it indestructible. On my turn top deck another lavaball trap killing his lone creature. Left with 2 lands on play I controlled the game till I killed him with harrow, harrow, and harrow combo.
2 – 1; 1 – 1
Round 3: Emeria gainer
Love this match up, learned many things here. I like this deck, ramping his plains with Knight of the White Orchid, and Kor Cartographer to make his emeria online at the same time gaining life through baneslayer, wall of reverence, Battlegrace Angel, Landbind Ritual, and Felidar Sovereign (another win-con). I mean this deck rocks.
Game 1
I managed to destroy him emeria through lavaball, but his creature’s keeps on coming. I had killed his baneslayer, wall of reverence, battlegrace, felidar, iona through my valakuts. But still he managed to get 2 emeria lands online. With 13 mountains and 11 on play I know I will not win this game.
Lessons here – always check your triggers (khalni).
Game 2
I have no answer to a banslayer.
0 – 2; 1 – 2
Round 4: White Winnie
Game 1
2 khalni, two forest, terramorphic, harrow and a lavaball trap but no valakut on hand.
On turn 3 of opponent turn EOT a harrow, activated the 2 khalni on play, sacrificing both getting 8 land on play. On my turn played the lavaball trap on my hand, controlling the game.
Game 2
Honor of the pure with baneslayer on play won him the game..
Game 3
He had played again an honor of the pure and a baneslayer, had it swing on 6th turn dealing me 6 damage, and him getting to 26 life. On the same turn he played a pledge giving him 6 soldiers, 5 tapped mana and 1 open mana (he must have brave the elements) I have 2 forest, 4 mountain, 1 valakut. On my hand was lavaball, burst, harrow, and a mountain. EOT on that same turn I played a harrow, sac forest, and getting 2 mountains dealing 6 damage to baneslayer, he then responded with brave the elements (and I was right) protecting his baneslayer (now his tapped out). On my turn drew a terramorphic, played the terramorphic, sac to get a mountain, 3 damage dealt to baneslayer then played my lavaball killing the baneslayer and the soldier tokens from the pledge.
On the following turns I manage to play 4 valakut. Then drew a harrow to deal 24 damage, then 2 burst lightning for the win.
2 – 1; 2 – 2
Placed 6th on a 9 man tournament, 1st was JUND
Entrance fee is 100php, don’t really know the price structure. 8k tourney.
If you would want to really learn competitive play, then this is the venue for you.
Learned a lot on this venue, and still learning more. Tournament location to be posted later.
Nov 20, 2009 (Friday) AlphaStrike Hobby Shop. Cavite Philippines
9 man tournament. 6th 2-2
the deck
Round 1: JUND
Game 1
Open again a one land hand, mulligan to 6. I have 3 lands on hand but hesitant because no green source, and 1 burst, 1 bolt, and a harrow, but still decided to play with it, I am on the play this time.
He got me blightning 2x, then played a broodmate, I managed to dropped a Chandra nalaar, to kill his broodmate, but on his turn dropped a bloodbraid cascaded a bolt, targeting Chandra, then swinging for the win.
Game 2
Open again a one hand land, mull again to 6. It seem like my deck is afraid of JUND.
My 6 hand is much better than the previous mulligan I had. I took it. He managed to ruin blaster me for 2 turns, which got me manascrewed to reach a 5 land play. When I went 5 lands its too late for me.
His damage on this game came from his own fetches, what a game.
0 – 2, 0 – 1 (0 – 4 against JUND)
Round 2: GW
1st game
He dropped River Boa, and then next turn dropped a sledge equipping his Boa. I managed to slow down the boa, but its regenerate ability is too much to get the Boa destroyed. I even managed to hard cast a lavaball trap but a boa with a green source is really bad for the removals I have.
2nd game
I manage to control the board with the removals I have on my hand. No Boa here so lucky me. Got my valakut online then just killed him with valakut.
3rd game
He manage to dropped a 2/2 protection from black creature, with a sledge on it. Tried to kill by lavaball trap it but he had dauntless to make it indestructible. On my turn top deck another lavaball trap killing his lone creature. Left with 2 lands on play I controlled the game till I killed him with harrow, harrow, and harrow combo.
2 – 1; 1 – 1
Round 3: Emeria gainer
Love this match up, learned many things here. I like this deck, ramping his plains with Knight of the White Orchid, and Kor Cartographer to make his emeria online at the same time gaining life through baneslayer, wall of reverence, Battlegrace Angel, Landbind Ritual, and Felidar Sovereign (another win-con). I mean this deck rocks.
Game 1
I managed to destroy him emeria through lavaball, but his creature’s keeps on coming. I had killed his baneslayer, wall of reverence, battlegrace, felidar, iona through my valakuts. But still he managed to get 2 emeria lands online. With 13 mountains and 11 on play I know I will not win this game.
Lessons here – always check your triggers (khalni).
Game 2
I have no answer to a banslayer.
0 – 2; 1 – 2
Round 4: White Winnie
Game 1
2 khalni, two forest, terramorphic, harrow and a lavaball trap but no valakut on hand.
On turn 3 of opponent turn EOT a harrow, activated the 2 khalni on play, sacrificing both getting 8 land on play. On my turn played the lavaball trap on my hand, controlling the game.
Game 2
Honor of the pure with baneslayer on play won him the game..
Game 3
He had played again an honor of the pure and a baneslayer, had it swing on 6th turn dealing me 6 damage, and him getting to 26 life. On the same turn he played a pledge giving him 6 soldiers, 5 tapped mana and 1 open mana (he must have brave the elements) I have 2 forest, 4 mountain, 1 valakut. On my hand was lavaball, burst, harrow, and a mountain. EOT on that same turn I played a harrow, sac forest, and getting 2 mountains dealing 6 damage to baneslayer, he then responded with brave the elements (and I was right) protecting his baneslayer (now his tapped out). On my turn drew a terramorphic, played the terramorphic, sac to get a mountain, 3 damage dealt to baneslayer then played my lavaball killing the baneslayer and the soldier tokens from the pledge.
On the following turns I manage to play 4 valakut. Then drew a harrow to deal 24 damage, then 2 burst lightning for the win.
2 – 1; 2 – 2
Placed 6th on a 9 man tournament, 1st was JUND
Entrance fee is 100php, don’t really know the price structure. 8k tourney.
If you would want to really learn competitive play, then this is the venue for you.
Learned a lot on this venue, and still learning more. Tournament location to be posted later.
2 komento:
Valakut is collorless, a player can't use Brave the Elements to prevent collorless dmg ;)
Valakut is collorless, a player can't use Brave the Elements to prevent collorless dmg ;)
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