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Sabado, Nobyembre 21, 2009

Valakut - tourney report (11192009)

Tournament report
Nov 19, 2009 (Thursday) Gamers' Lounge QC Phil.
12 man tournament. 6th 2-2
the deck
Round 1: JUND
My first game was JUND.
1st game
I lost the dice, so I’m on the draw. Opened a one land hand, I mulled to 6 cards. Still opened a one land hand, but I had 3 bolts plus one expedition map. Hoping to draw another land, I kept it. I had bolted most of his putrid leech (he dropped 3 copies), but my land count did not increased to 3. And he already had Garruk and a Brodmate Dragon in play. I lost to Garruks Overrun effect plus unreachable Brodmate Dragon by my removals (volcanic fallout).
2nd game
I am on the play; I got a good opening, harrow, valakut, lavaball trap.
On the other hand he had duress, removed my harrow. Even though he got my harrow, I still manage to have 8 lands on the play ready to cast my lavaballl trap (8th land through rampant growth – this is on my 5th turn), then by luck he drew his needed land for a kicked goblin ruinblaster, taking me back to 7 lands on play, then another ruinblaster, then another. Played a Chandra buts its too late, got more damage than I can afford.

0 – 2; 0 – 1

Round 2: JUND (again)
1st game
Im on the play, opened again a one hand land, mulled to 6, again another one land hand. Decided to play it because, again of 3 bolt and 1 burst, hoping to have enough removal for me to establish my lands. I just scooped because the 2nd land never came, and already down to 9.
2nd game
Again another one land hand, I have 24 land BTW. Mulled down to 5, on the 5th mulligan I had 4 mountains, one expedition map, decided to play it. Got my valakut online early but ruinblaster destroyed it through bloodbraid. Blighning my 3x. Rest is history.

0 – 2; 0 – 2, BTW (this will be my 0 – 3 against JUND)

Round 3: RDW
This was a race.
1st game
He got had me down to 5, but I had a khalni, 2 valakut, 4 mountains on the play, then one harrow on my hand. Play harrow, sac forest, activate khalni. Do the math.
2nd game
2 khalni, 2 valakut in play. Need to say more?

2 – 0; 1 – 2

Round 4: BOROS
This was also a race
1st game
He had me down to 6, but lost gas, due to me removals. Got my valakut online, then sit and wait for my mountains to finish the game. He was hoping for at least a bolt or harms way but didn’t came. Lucky me
2nd game
Turn 1 land
Turn 2 valakut
Turn 3 kahlni, then land
Turn 4 harrow, khalni active.
Turn 5 khalni,
Turn 6 harrow, harrow, khalni, khalni, for the win.

2 – 0; 2 – 2

Placed 6th on a 12 man tournament, 1st to 3rd was JUND.
On that tournament there was another one using the RG valakut combo deck, but he runs fog, bloodbraid, and some other creatures.

Entrance is 100php, 2 – 1 – 1 – 1 was the price structure, with one pack opened to be picked by the remaining players, with 5th placer picking first then 6th place picking second (me), then all picking one after another until all cards are picked. I got the green trap card that produces tokens when a noncreature permanent is destroyed, and a Demolish.

Fairview community still runs the best tournament out there. Tournament location will be posted later.

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