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Linggo, Abril 21, 2024

Titan War Newb Guide

 : Server: SA WAR114

: Name: dmax23

Below is a Guide for newcomers for TITAN war

To start - The game will start easy. You may pick any Hero, but i would recommend Barton - due to his range and damage output as well as his healing capabilities.

Faction to choose? - recommendation is to choose either techno or Super power. then select one or two nature as your healer

 - Nature: mostly are healers

 - Techno: heroes are all around, this is the most recommended

 - Super Power: Almost same as techno, though in my experience this faction has more damage output than techno

 - Lost: Mostly damage over time heroes.

 - Void and Deity: unless you have the cash, i would not recommend this faction.

- i am taking the techno route.

What hero to pick.

- Generally you need a tank, a healer, and a damager

Tank - who to pick?

 - Ideal Tank would be the abyss lord Jason of the Void faction. This is hard to get hero. 

 - For Mythic Heroes choose either. The Stun skill of both heroes below are very good on opposing heroes.

      :Blue Slicer Larissa of Techno faction. i would recommend this, as this is a very eassy hero to get. 

      :Ogre Champion Gu'Gunnar of Lost faction. 

Healer - who to pick?

- Ideal healer would be the Fairy Drake Esther of Void Faction or the twin angel of Deity Faction - both are hard to get BTW. 

- For Mythic Heroes choose any of the heroes from Nature faction, but i would recommend Magic Kitty Hallen. 

- if you would go for the techno route add Cyberpianist or Electro Boy Simon on your healer list. 

Damager - who to pick

- My personal preference would be the Desert Empress Diana, as his damage is based on his Sand Golem. 

- For Mythic Heroes my preference is Galaxy Guardians Anakin , this is a very easy to get hero. 

- if you would go the techno route, then get Agent Zero Faroe as your Mythic S+. this is fairly easier to get than Wind of judgement Doris. But if you can get Doris then by any means do get her. 

Recommended hero if you have the cash flow are: 

- Jason of Void as tank

- Esther of Void as Healer

- Diana of Super power faction as Damager

- Magic Kitty as back up healer or Vindicator Jeanne from super power faction for the faction bunos

- Damager phantom Edge Tous from Super power faction as 2nd damager

Recommended for Free to play players

- Larissa as Tank

- Magic Kitty as Healer

- Anakin as Damager

- Faroe as Damager

- You may chose either of these three as 2nd healer-  Sophia, Simon, or Adriana


Focus on the damager on upgrading stuff, then the tank, then the healer.

- provide the damager on the best equipment, also upgrade all you can upgrade on the damager. Then follow it up with your tank.

your resources is scarce, so you need to prioritize where to put them.

Prioritize to awaken your damager, if you would not use the hero, you can use them as ingredient on awakening.

Event origems are scrap, do not use them, or even participate on them.

always roll with 10 scrolls on summoner spire

Hope this helps.

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