Mga Tatak

Lunes, Disyembre 21, 2009

Miyerkules, Disyembre 16, 2009


My eldest daughter had been fond of taking pictures using camera phone.
With several camera phone at home, this are some of her works:
BTW she is just 4 years old.

Linggo, Disyembre 13, 2009

VALAKUT update

It seems that valakut does not want me.
I performs well on playtest, but on actual tournament, it fails. If it losses to manadrought, its manaflood without valakut.
Below is the latest revision I made with valakut. 2 - 2 on my last FNM, 1 -3 - 2 on the recently concluded Gold Rush. 0 - 9 on JUND matchups.
ATM i will be dropping this deck
13 mountains
4 valakut
4 forest
4 terramorphic expanse
25 land
4 bloodbraid elf
4 siege-gang commander
4 goblin ruinblaster
12 creatures
4 harrow
4 khalni heart expedition
3 rampant growth
3 expedition map
4 lightning bolt
2 burst lightning
3 lavaball trap
23 other spells
4 demolish
2 trace of abundance
3 relic of prognetus
2 caldera hellion
1 valcanic fallout
1 pyroclasm
2 chandra nalaar